National Exchange Company Commenced business in the year 2003 with the Ufficio Italiano dei Cambi license number 35830 (UIC = Department under Bank of Italy)
Ufficio Itliano dei cambi acted as the regulation authority and was made a department of Bank of Italy in 2008.Their previous web address was still the web address will automatically direct to the correct page under Bank of Italy's web site In 2011 the Banca D'Italia changed the legislation for Money Transfer Companies. Therefore the category was changed from 'Money Transfer Company' to 'Paying Institution'. Our subscription number as a paying Institution is 328302. Money Transfer Companies who couldn't obtain the subscription as a paying institution are not allowed to do Money Transferring legally since 2011.
Law Related: Iscritta nell'Albo degli Istituti di Pagamento di cui al DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 27 gennaio2010,
Ufficio Itliano dei cambi acted as the regulation authority and was made a department of Bank of Italy in 2008.Their previous web address was still the web address will automatically direct to the correct page under Bank of Italy's web site In 2011 the Banca D'Italia changed the legislation for Money Transfer Companies. Therefore the category was changed from 'Money Transfer Company' to 'Paying Institution'. Our subscription number as a paying Institution is 328302. Money Transfer Companies who couldn't obtain the subscription as a paying institution are not allowed to do Money Transferring legally since 2011.
Law Related: Iscritta nell'Albo degli Istituti di Pagamento di cui al DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 27 gennaio2010,
subscripton : n'. 11 con il numero 32830 Link : Albo degli Istituti di pagamento pdf 76 kB